Upcoming Teaching, Soft Open, Schedule updates

Message from Lama Losang
Namaste to all my friends!
Happy Saga Dawa Duchen! This is celebrated all month from the new moon on May 30 to the new moon June 29. However, with the full moon on Tuesday, June 14, Buddhists around the world will be celebrating the most important day in the Tibetan lunar calendar. It commemorates the birth, enlightenment and paranirvana (passing away), of our blessed teacher Shakyamuni Buddha, who lived and taught more than 2500 years ago. Although he is no longer among us in his physical form, his teaching on love and compassion still remain. This time is also called “Bumgyur Dawa, which means “100,000 multiplying month” because our virtuous and unvirtuous actions are said to be multiplied 100,000 times. With that in mind, during this month of June, practice loving kindness and compassion and avoid unskillful action in body, speech and mind.
May all be auspicious for you!
Saga Dawa Teaching and Soft Opening June 25th
Life of the Buddha Teaching by Lama Losang
As we take part in the auspicious time of Saga Dawa Duchen and to celebrate KTC Jacksonville’s 37th anniversary, Lama Losang has offered to give a teaching on the Life of the Buddha at our new center from 10:00am-12:00pm, Saturday June 25th. There will be limited capacity of 20 seats available as we work up to a complete re-opening. We are asking all those who wish to attend to RSVP in advance. The teaching will also be streamed via zoom for those who wish to attend from home.
For those who wish to receive Refuge, the ceremony will be given following lunch. Please e-mail info@ktcax.org RSVP for taking Refuge.
As covid levels have risen in the community in an act of loving kindness we suggest that all who attend wear masks for the benefit of those who are immunocompromised. We hope to announce regular practice in the coming weeks as we work to get our new home completely open for regular practice.
$20 suggested donation, scholarships available by e-mailing info@ktcjax.org
RSVP In Person:
RSVP Online Zoom:
Schedule Cancellation June 11 and 14th
We will be unable to host practice on Saturday morning June 11 and Tuesday evening 14th. We are encouraging everyone to attend Gainesville KTCs excellent online teaching with Khenpo Tenkyong “Foundation of Dream Yoga and Meditation” June 11-12th.
Saturday Practice Cancellation 5/14
Due to moving preparations happening this weekend, Saturday’s Meditation, Book Study and Practice will be cancelled. We apologize fo the inconvenience.
Passing of Ani Karma Lhamo

Rummage Sale Saturday February 26th
Losar Teaching and Meditation Instruction
Lama Losang is a fully ordained monk and completed the traditional Kagyu three-year retreat at Karme Ling in 2004. In addition to being a Karma Kagyu lineage teacher, Lama Losang (David Bole) is also an Acupuncture Physician with a Doctorate in Psychology, and teaches, lectures, and conducts workshops around the country. In honor of Lama’s 70th birthday, July 26, 2019, Mayor Lauren Poe and the City of Gainesville proclaimed Dr. David Bole (Lama Losang): Health, Happiness, and Liberation Day.
We are happy to have him joining us for practice.
Gainesville KTC Upcoming Teachings
https://www.ktcgainesville.org/ has a wonderful line up of teachings coming up
Lama Losang Teaching and Q&A Session Jan. 12th
For this Wednesday’s Buddhism Basic’s discussion Lama Losang KTC Jacksonville’s Spiritual Director will join us from 7:00-8:00PM. He will answer any questions you may have about Buddhism or your practice and also talk about our lineage master Gampopa, whose Instructions we have been studying as a group. Please use the regular Zoom Link located on our website and in our bio to take part in this instruction.
Lama Losang is a fully ordained monk and completed the traditional Kagyu three-year retreat at Karme Ling in 2004. In addition to being a Karma Kagyu lineage teacher, Lama Losang (David Bole) is also an Acupuncture Physician with a Doctorate in Psychology, and teaches, lectures, and conducts workshops around the country. In honor of Lama’s 70th birthday, July 26, 2019, Mayor Lauren Poe and the City of Gainesville proclaimed Dr. David Bole (Lama Losang): Health, Happiness, and Liberation Day.
We are happy to have him joining us for practice.
New Year’s Day First Light January 1st

New Year’s Day First Light January 1st
This year we will join our Gainesville sister KTC in support of our Spiritual Director, Lama Losang, for the First Light Ceremony from 9:00am-11:00am. A most auspicious way to start the New Year, making aspirations helps shine a light on our intentions for cultivating compassion and developing Boddhichitta.
We will celebrate over Zoom using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6671190575. The password is Karmapa. You can access the prayers we’ll read that day here.
“Offering light, in particular, is a special door of dependent arising for quickly completing the accumulation of merit and receiving great blessings.” ~ Sutra of Arya Maitreya
If you wish to offer a light this New Year, use the link below. Each lamp is $1/day and dedications can be made for loved ones, to shine the light of prayer and peace across the globe, or for any heart-felt aspiration for the year. (Use Paypal’s note field to include any prayers or aspirations you wish to offer or email them to Lama Losang.)
Giving Tuesday 11/30

Schedule Change Saturday 11/27 and Giving Tuesday
Schedule Change Saturday 11/27
Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that helps raise awareness about charitable causes. This year Giving Tuesday falls on November 30, 2021. Facebook matches the first $8 million dollars donated by users on its platform starting at 8am Eastern time that day. (Donations made before November 30th or before 8am don’t qualify for the matching dollars.) You can help KTC Jacksonville continue as we prepare to open our new center and continue supporting the dharma in North East Florida.