First Light Ceremony January 1st 2021

“Every year at sunrise on January 1, Kagyu monasteries and dharma centers gather together to light lamps, recite prayers of lamp offering and dedicate themselves to peace – in their own lives, homes and the world. As the “home” of the First Light observance, KTD has been lighting 108 lamps for world peace every day since Jan. 1, 2000. Join us for our special prayers in front of our beautiful Buddha shrine, and make aspirations for yourself, your family and friends, and the world.”
Our first light ceremony will look a little different this year due to the pandemic and our center moving temporarily, but we would like to invite you to continue in this years First Light tradition with our parent monastery Karma Triyana Dharmachakra at 7:00am on New Years Day. Join us this Friday morning via the KTD YouTube channel or through KTD’s Facebook page to participate in this special ceremony as we make aspirations. Link to KTD facebook invite
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