Author : adminkarma108

Medicine Buddha: Introduction, Teaching and Empowerment with Lama Karma Drodhul

Registration Links Below

Karma Thegsum Choling Jacksonville is happy to announce that Lama Karma Drodhul will lead us in a weekend teaching March 3rd-5th on the Medicine Buddha Sadhana. Lama Karma is known for his strong devotion to the Buddhadharma, the infinite joy that he has, and playful humor. This will be a special weekend that you don’t want to miss!

Done weekly at KTC Jacksonville,  Medicine Buddha is the practice of physical and spiritual healing which helps us accumulate the causes of healing. This Buddha of Healing has the power to see the true cause of any affliction whether spiritual, physical, or psychological and alleviate it.  During the weekend Medicine Buddha instruction, Lama Karma will give us the teaching as well as Refuge, Reading Transmission and Empowerment.


ABOUT LAMA KARMA: Lama Karma is a Tibetan Buddhist teacher and past president of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra Monastery in Woodstock, NY. He also is the nephew of KTD’s first Abbot, Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, and assisted Khenpo Rinpoche at KTD. As a youth, Lama Karma excelled in all aspects of dharma study at Thrangu Monastery and Thrangu Rinpoche sent him to the United States. to deepen his understanding of the dharma under the tutelage of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche.

In March 2004, Lama Karma completed his first, and in February 2008 his second, traditional three-year, three-month retreat under Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche at Karme Ling Retreat Center. He has traveled to centers throughout North and South America to teach for the past 10 years. He was appointed as the president of KTD by H.H Karmapa in September of 2018 and completed his term in September 2021.


Friday, March 3rd 7 PM

“Introduction to Medicine Buddha”

$5 Suggested Donation for Public Talk


Saturday, March 4th

9:00-9:45- Interviews


10:00am-11:45am Teaching

12:00pm-1:00pm- Lunch

(In Person Only) 3:00pm-5:00pm – Refuge followed by Medicine Buddha Empowerment, followed by reading Transmissions (Empowerments and Refuge can only be offered In Person)

5:00-5:45- Interviews

Sunday, March 5th


10:00am-11:45am – Teaching

12:00pm-1:00pm- Lunch


2:00-4:00pm- Teaching (mudras, musical instruments), Sadhana Practice. Closing and final offerings.

Location: KTC JAX 4168 Herschel Street


$25 per session ($20 members) for single session or Empowerment

$100 non-members/$80 members for entire weekend (including Empowerment) In Person attendance Includes Medicine Buddha Sadhana text from the Center

PLEASE NOTE: KTC Jax brings authentic Buddhist teachers to the Jacksonville area year-round for programs and retreats. Suggested donations are requested to offset the costs associated with holding these special events. We always greatly appreciate your generosity but no one has ever been turned away because they couldn’t make a donation. We want as many people as possible to attend. Volunteer Scholarships are also available for those interested. Please let us know!

Participants can register in person at KTC Jacksonville or with the following links:

In Person

Zoom Only

If you have further questions please e-mail

First Light Prayers for World Peace New Year’s Day

Karma Thegsum Choling Jacksonville invites you to join us for our annual First Light in our new home on New Years Day, Sunday, January 1st 2023 at 10:30am.

We continue a tradition that began in 2000 with the aspiration of bringing peace into our daily lives and to the world. Part of His Holiness Karmapas’ activity is to point the way to living a life of love and compassion, to teach us to protect our environment and to provide the light of wisdom. Lamp offerings have special meaning in this regard: shining the light on our inner wisdom and reminding us of the clear path to living each day to create a life of peace.

We invite you to light your lamps of peace — to join in our offering and prayers to help the light of wisdom reach all corners of the world.

Together  we celebrate First Light with KTD Monastery, other KTC Centers, and Buddhist communities around the world. Let us together make aspirations, dedications, offerings, and prayers for World Peace and happiness to reach all corners of the world. We will chant the traditional Tibetan Buddhist prayers of the Amitabha sadhana, followed by a lamp offering ceremony dedicated to those we may wish to remember who have passed away, those who are ill, and all beings who may suffer. Each participant will have the opportunity to light a candle for his or her own loved ones, make aspirations, or offer prayers.

First Light is also an auspicious occasion to renew our commitment to practice for the benefit of all sentient beings & to make offerings to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas as represented by our shrine. Making offerings to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is considered highly meritorious and an effective way of removing obstacles. Participants are encouraged to bring individual offerings: particularly flowers, fruit, sweets, baked treats, or monetary offerings. This too is considered especially meritorious. We ask that those bringing offerings please try to arrive around 9:30 am in order for offerings to be placed and the shrine properly prepared by volunteer shrinekeepers.

Following the ceremony we will hold a vegetarian potluck luncheon to which all are welcome. Please feel free to bring a vegetarian dish of your choice. You do not have to be Buddhist to attend. We welcome all interested in learning more about Buddhism.

If you would like to attend on zoom use the following link:

Zoom link to attend:

For the benefit of all we suggest wearing a mask during attendance for KTC public events.


giving-tuesday 2
Dear Friends,
We are so happy to once again be open to the public at our newly consecrated Dharma Center at 4168 Herschel Street in Jacksonville, Florida. We are also continuing to live stream our weekly book study and meditation practice programs online that is accessible to anyone around the world interested in learning about Tibetan Buddhism and meditation. We invite you this Giving Tuesday to support Karma Thegsum Choling Jacksonville. Donations are needed for our Dharma Center to operate. We ask you to help us continue to be a resource to the North Florida community by sharing the teaching of the Buddha for the benefit of all.

As this year ends, we have a lot to be grateful for. Karma Thegsum Choling has navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic and because of fundraising and volunteers, we now have a new Center open to the public. With having a new building are increased operating costs that includes a loan that we acquired to purchase the building. As has always been the case in our 36-year history, your generous support is crucial to the continued flourishing of KTC Jax. With your donation today, no matter how small, we will continue to offer these nourishing teachings to all who are interested.

With humility and deep gratitude, we invite you to support and sustain this refuge for the study and practice of Buddhist wisdom through the Karma Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.

Give by QR Code or the link below:


Karma Thegsum Choling Jacksonville New Center Grand Opening: Public Talk, Consecration Ceremony and Chenrezik Teaching with Khenpo Ugyen Tenzin

Friday October 28th:
Grand Opening and Public Talk Meditation: Cultivating Peace of mind and Tranquility with Khenpo Ugyen Tenzin
Khenpo Ugyen Tenzin, Abbot of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra monastery with translator Khenpo Sangye Trinley will discuss how meditation can bring happiness and stability to our lives. Meditation is the core practice of Tibetan Buddhism and can bring benefit to all beings seeking calmness and peace in a turbulent world.
Enjoy this most beneficial talk and come see our new center for the first time Friday 7:00-8:30pm. 
Suggested donation $5-10.
For the benefit of all we suggest wearing a mask during attendance for KTC public events.
If you would like to preregister visit: 
If you would like to attend virtually via Zoom register with this link:

Weekend October 29th-30th:

New Center Consecration Ceremony and Chenrezik Teaching with Khenpo Ugyen Tenzin

Karma Thegsum Chöling Jacksonville welcomes you as we open the doors to our new center for the first time. We have invited Khenpo Ugyen Tenzin, Abbot of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra monastery, with translator Khenpo Sangye Trinley to consecrate our new center and shrine at 4168 Herschel Street. Special prayers will be done to gather the blessings of the Karma Kagyu lineage, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas so that the Dharma may flourish in North Florida and bring benefit to all beings for years to come.


During the weekend Khenpo Ugyen will also teach on the chanting practice of Chenrezik and give the empowerment & reading transmission. Chenrezik practice is chanted every Saturday morning at KTC Jacksonville. This practice and Chenrezik’s mantra (Om Mani Peme Hum) helps us to cultivate loving kindness and compassion for all beings. Having the teaching, empowerment, and reading transmission are important steps to practicing these teachings in their entirety and we are very fortunate Khenpo Ugyen is willing to share these with us this weekend.
Chenrezik (the noble Great Compassionate One, Avalokitesvara) is the embodiment of all the buddhas’ compassion and love. The literal translation of his name means “The One Who Beholds With Loving Eyes”. Chenrezik’s brilliant white body represents the luminosity of primordial wisdom, the spark of enlightenment. The practice of Chenrezik consists of closing the gap between the practitioner and the practice, so there is no difference between the person meditating and the love and compassion they are cultivating. In the end, this distance completely disappears so that the practitioner becomes the very nature of love and compassion.
Suggested donation $80 for the entire weekend or $20 per session. 
Please use the following link to register:
**No one will ever be turned away from teachings for inability to make a donation. Donations help KTC continue to bring Buddhist teachers to visit and cover associated expenses.
For the benefit of all we suggest wearing a mask during attendance for KTC public events.
If you would like to join virtually using zoom only use following link to register:
Weekend Teaching Schedule:
Saturday, October 29th Consecration and Teaching on Practice of Chenrezik
8:30am Registration begins
10:00am – Consecration Ceremony
11:00am – Chenrezik Teaching begins
12:00-2:00pm – Lunch Break
2:00-4:00pm Chenrezik Teaching
6:30pm Doors open please arrive early
7:00pm Refuge Ceremony followed by Chenrezik Empowerment and Reading Transmission
Sunday, October 30th Teaching on Practice of Chenrezik Day 2
10:00am – Chenrezik Teaching
12:00-2:00pm – Lunch Break – Interviews
2:00-4:00pm Chenrezik Teaching
Khenpo Ugyen will also be teaching at Amelia KKSG Wednesday 11/2 and Gainesville KTC 11/5-11/6.
If you would like to assist donations towards meals for Khenpo Ugyen and visiting Monastics can be made at:

KTC Center Hours starting November 1st

As we open our doors for the first time we will continue with the scheduled hours as listed on our website.

7:00pm Medicine Buddha Sadhana
8:00pm Buddhism Basics
9:00am Meditation
10:00am Book Study
10:30am Chenrezik and Amitabha Sadhanas.
Zoom sessions will continue for our Sangha both near and far.

About KTC Jax

Karma Thegsum Chöling Jacksonville KTCJax is a Tibetan Buddhist Practice Center of the Karma Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddha Dharma. The Kagyu lineage is one of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism & is often called “The Whispered Lineage” because its highest teachings are still passed in an unbroken line from teacher to student since the days of the Buddha.
Founded in June of 1986, we’re also an affiliate Center of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, the North American seat of His Holiness the Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje. The Venerable Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, Abbot of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra monastery in Woodstock, New York, guides our Center.
Please visit! We welcome all those interested in the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism, and offer a range of activities to satisfy practitioners and visitors alike.

Karma Thegsum Chöling Jacksonville
4168 Herschel Street Jacksonville FL 32210
(904) 357-0663 Visit us at  and

Upcoming Teaching, Soft Open, Schedule updates

Message from Lama Losang

Namaste to all my friends!

Happy Saga Dawa Duchen! This is celebrated all month from the new moon on May 30 to the new moon June 29. However, with the full moon on Tuesday, June 14, Buddhists around the world will be celebrating the most important day in the Tibetan lunar calendar. It commemorates the birth, enlightenment and paranirvana (passing away), of our blessed teacher Shakyamuni Buddha, who lived and taught more than 2500 years ago. Although he is no longer among us in his physical form, his teaching on love and compassion still remain. This time is also called “Bumgyur Dawa, which means “100,000 multiplying month” because our virtuous and unvirtuous actions are said to be multiplied 100,000 times. With that in mind, during this month of June, practice loving kindness and compassion and avoid unskillful action in body, speech and mind.

May all be auspicious for you!

Saga Dawa Teaching and Soft Opening June 25th

Life of the Buddha Teaching by Lama Losang

As we take part in the auspicious time of Saga Dawa Duchen and to celebrate KTC Jacksonville’s 37th anniversary, Lama Losang has offered to give a teaching on the Life of the Buddha at our new center from 10:00am-12:00pm, Saturday June 25th. There will be limited capacity of 20 seats available as we work up to a complete re-opening. We are asking all those who wish to attend to RSVP in advance. The teaching will also be streamed via zoom for those who wish to attend from home.

For those who wish to receive Refuge, the ceremony will be given following lunch. Please e-mail RSVP for taking Refuge.

As covid levels have risen in the community in an act of loving kindness we suggest that all who attend wear masks for the benefit of those who are immunocompromised. We hope to announce regular practice in the coming weeks as we work to get our new home completely open for regular practice.

$20 suggested donation, scholarships available by e-mailing

RSVP In Person:

RSVP Online Zoom:

Schedule Cancellation June 11 and 14th

We will be unable to host practice on Saturday morning June 11 and Tuesday evening 14th. We are encouraging everyone to attend Gainesville KTCs excellent online teaching with Khenpo Tenkyong “Foundation of Dream Yoga and Meditation” June 11-12th.

Gainesville KTC Upcoming Events

Passing of Ani Karma Lhamo

On May 7th our beloved nun Ani Kama Lhamo passed on. A true example of faith and devotion she has brought joy and compassion to us all at KTC Jacksonville. Over the next 49 days we ask that practitioners recite Amitabha mantra or any mantra you connect with, and dedicate the merit for Ani’s swift rebirth in Dewachen. We also dedicate the merit to her family and friends during this time

New Weekly Schedule Starting April 2nd

New Weekly Schedule Starting April 2nd

Starting April 2nd all virtual meetings will now be held on Tuesday and Saturday. Join us remotely for any practice by using our zoom link

Saturday Schedule:

Saturday Silent Sitting Meditation Join us for two sessions of Silent Sitting Meditation, Introduction available for those who are new to the practice.

Book Study New Title Bardo: Interval of Possibility by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche Commentary on “Aspiration for the Bardo” by Chokyi Wangchuk

Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche gives an exceptionally clear and lucid explanation of Aspiration for the Bardo, graciously giving the necessary time and attention to its more obscure points. His commentary, however, is not merely a bare description of the sequence of events in the process of dying and death, but is underscored throughout with the purpose and urgency of aspiration. We are clearly instructed on what to practice and how to train ourselves at every point of opportunity, “whether in the waking state or the dream state” and even within the interval experience itself.

For complimentary copy digital copy please visit:
Chenrezik and Amitabha Sadhana practice continues at the same time. First Saturday of the month is Green Tara Sadhana practice. These active forms of meditation, chanting and mantra practice help us cultivate loving, kindness and compassion. We will have the prayers available on screen for those who don’t have a copy. The pdf is available here if you would like to download or print

Tuesday Schedule:

Medicine Buddha Practice All are welcome to join in this wonderful, traditional healing and purification practice. This active form of meditation helps us cultivate the inner qualities needed to overcome mental and physical affliction and generate compassion for all beings that are suffering.
The sadhana or prayer is chanted in Tibetan with English translation in the text. You can download the text here
We begin with a short reading from Thrangu Rinpoche’s Medicine Buddha Teachings
Buddhism Basic’s  Virtual Study group for learning about Buddhism. We begin with readings from Buddhist introductory texts and discuss how that apply to our own practice and every day lives. This is a great sessions for new and experienced practitioners alike. We are currently studying “Dharma Paths” by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche. If this is your first visit feel free to request and Introduction.
Apologies for any inconvenience this schedule change has. We appreciate your support and thanks for everyone’s understanding. We look forward to seeing everyone once our new center renovations are completed.
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