Medicine Buddha Chanting Practice 6-7pm

November 14, 2023 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Karma Thegsum Choling Jacksonville
4168 Herschel Street

Medicine Buddha Puja, meaning a special chanted prayer session. All are welcome to attend, and we welcome practitioners to join in this wonderful, traditional healing and purification practice we chant in Tibetan. Chanting is in Tibetan with English and transliteration text provided. Join in the chanting, attend quietly as a blessing, or do your own practice during the pujas. Participation is voluntary and open to all.

This Mahayana/Vajrayana puja practice includes prayers requested by friends and relatives for those who are experiencing difficulties in life, are ill or have died; you are invited to add your personal dedications during the prayers. These practices develop and enrich an attitude of healing the body and mind and cultivating an attitude of loving-kindness and compassion for all beings without exception.

Practice in person or on zoom.

Zoom link to attend:

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  887. perfect design thanks roaccutane online in pakistan The last notable European intervention on a similar scale was with Georgia. Combined with the arming and training of the Georgian armed forces by the US this resulted in the Georgian Russian war. Which might have led further but didn’t. ‘Sweden’s Foreign Minister Carl Bildt last month, describing Moscow’s actions as “economic warfare”.’ Who would be surprised if it turned into another war proper? Not me or many others. The imbecility of Europe’s rulers knows no bounds. They get lost in paper and abstractions. What if as a result of Russian schemes the Eastern Ukraine breaks away? Will NATO support Western Ukraine drive to reclaim territory? Will the EU states march East? One thing seems apparent Russia will be prepared to go further to realize its objectives than the EU states will when the total cost that has to be paid becomes apparent to all the citizens of the EU.

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