Virtual Green Tara Chanting Practice
1258 McDuff Ave S Jacksonville FL 32205
Green Tara Puja, meaning a chanted prayer practice offered to a diety, is a long-standing tradition at KTCJax, the chanted prayers of the Green Tara Puja. Chanted in Tibetan. All Karma Kagyu monasteries do Tara puja daily, usually before the sun rises; at KTCJax we will do the practice the First Saturday of each month at 10:30am. Green Tara is the female Buddha of Enlightened activity. She acts with the swiftness of the wind, for the benefit of all who pray to her. Her main activity is to brush away fear and danger. Please note, if you are not vegetarian, we request that you refrain from consuming meat for breakfast before attending this practice. Tara Puja will be in place of regular Chenrezik-Amitabha practice.
Zoom link to join practice: